Monday, January 3, 2011

The Kitchen Sink

I just had a visit from a friend who has been going through some very difficult times in her life. She told me of an experience she had this morning and then gave me a gift. She had been praying for peace and to feel settled about a huge, possibly devastating issue, and then listened to my CD about turning hard times into holy places.
“My kitchen sink is now a holy place for me.” She said.
The Spirit had touched her as she did dishes at the sink, and she connected that to being a holy place. She presented me with a baton, which represented something from my CD.
It was so sweet, and I was thrilled that she had received the peace she desperately needed. It made my heart happy to hear the calm peace and assurance in her voice. Of course, my friend’s troubles are not over and the current issue is far from corrected, but she has the Spirit to help her go forward. I am so grateful for a loving Father who will help us through the seemingly impossible trials in our lives.

1 comment:

Rachel Teran said...

I am glad I read this, because it makes me want to find my "holy place". :) I do know, however, that holy places are where we make them. Maybe I should do better at trying to make every place a holy one. Thanks for this!