Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Faith Not to be Healed?

Yesterday,, I listened to a talk by Elder David A. Bednar that stirred thought an emotion within me. He taught a truth of the Gospel that is difficult, yet magnificent. Elder Bednar spoke of a couple who faced an enormous struggle with cancer. The husband was diagnosed with bone cancer only three weeks following their marriage. They, of course, desired his healing and his life to be preserved. When Elder Bednar visited them in the hospital, the husband asked for a blessing. Elder Bednar explained, “I then posed questions I had not planned to ask and had never previously considered: “[John,] do you have the faith not to be healed? If it is the will of our Heavenly Father that you are transferred by death in your youth to the spirit world to continue your ministry, do you have the faith to submit to His will and not be healed?” DAVID A. BEDNAR, That We Might “Not … Shrink” (D&C 19:18), CES Devotional for Young Adults • March 3, 2013 • University of Texas Arlington ) Isn’t that a piercing question? We often think of having the faith to be healed, but this is a deeper truth. As we learn to submit to the Lord’s will, we must answer this probing question. Do we have the faith not to be healed? Although I did not think of it in this way, I came to this point during my cancer/surgery journey in 2004. I wasn’t sure what the future held for me. I wasn’t certain I would even survive, but I finally came to submit to the will of the Father. I tried to have the faith to not be healed, even though it broke my heart. Many difficult situations have arisen since that time. I’m still trying to learn this principle. Having the faith not to be healed is so tremendously difficult. It cuts to the very center of my heart and discipleship. I know that problems will confront me in the future as they have in the past, and I hope I can not shrink. I hope I can answer that my faith is strong enough not to be healed.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Think... Click... Be...

“264 clicks!” announced Benjamin. He was so proud and excited. Christopher reported a whopping 1,200 and something clicks over the space of one week! It was amazing! On a Monday night, our family watched a video on YouTube by my friend Hilary Weeks. In it, she explains her experiment with reinforcing positive thoughts, and the difference it made in her life. The Belcher family clicks: Well, our family most definitely needed a more positive environment in which to live. So, we decided to give it a try. How does it work? So glad that you asked. I obtained a couple of clickers from Hilary. You know those clickers that you can hold that keep a running count each time the button is pushed. Anytime we had a thought that was positive, we clicked the clicker. I meant to touch base every night about how the clicking was going, but, frankly, I didn’t remember when we were all together. I figured that we would have to start our weeks experiment over. However, I was totally surprised when I brought it up the following Monday evening. The miracle: Benji and Christopher had followed through! They hadn’t needed any reminding or coaxing. The clicking was reward enough for them. Amazing! I asked each boy about their experience. Christopher explained that he tried harder to think positively so that he could click. He said it made him happier. Wow! Now, Christopher is 14 and generally a happy boy. But, clicking his positive thoughts had helped him be even happier and able to face those things that were difficult for him at school. Benji agreed with Christopher, and then explained that he just felt better when he clicked. I noticed him a few days later, sitting on the couch, just clicking away. I didn’t stop him or police his clicks to ensure he was playing by the clicking rules. You know, making sure each click really did represent a positive thought. O, no. His clicks were just that- his. Whatever he was thinking about and clicking about was his personal way to be happier. He has been so cute about it Our clicking days have just begun. I’m excited to see the difference this experiment continues to make for our family. Invitation: I wanted to blog about it so clicking could make a difference for you or for those in your circle. You can click alone, with friends at work, with your kids, etc. Plus, what a great way to promote gratitude during this month of Thanksgiving. Or, clickers would make great Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers. ***Go to Hilary’s website: to order the Clicker Kit ($11.95 + shipping. You can use coupon code: KRIS667 until Nov. 30. Free Digital Kit! Enter your clicks at, and receive a free digital kit with downloadable quotes, wallpaper and more. Hilary says: “Help us reach a BILLION clicks! We are on a mission to change the world for click at a time. We have almost 3.5 millions clicks and hope to reach a billion! Think of the difference one positive thought makes, then multiply that by a billion and watch the world become a better place.” What are clickers saying? My mom ran across this program and it has changed my life. After a long bout of toxic negative thoughts that plagued my life (funny thing was I did not even know it was happening) my little clicker helped empower me again. I have a strong and firm testimony of what these clickers represent...the power of having a positive outlook on life!" Sam "I used my clicker with my third graders to combat bullying at school. Instead we clicked for kind words and actions on the playground at recess for about a month. My kids loved it! It was great for them to look for the good." Mrs. Houser "Life is short, click on!" Lulu "Making my life happier, one click at a time!" Bethany "Told myself over and over that I would be able to understand the concepts being taught in my Chem. 285 class. After doing that, I was able to do my homework. On my own. For the first time! It makes us physically capable of more!" Kenzie "I just got my clicker today and it was such a great tangible reminder to have happy thoughts!!" Julianne I hope that you have a great experience clicking just like my family did! Kris Belcher Happy clicking!